Friday, July 22, 2011

"Kick-Off" Fundraiser!!

Like I said in my first post, this site will be primarily used to help raise money for Morning Light Home and Crisis Pregnancy Center and Garden Of Grace home.  We will be having ongoing fundraisers, but to kick it all off, we are going to have a period of time where you can donate money and have chances to win items that have been donated!  We are currently in the process of collecting items that will be given away at the end of the drawing.  We do have items right now, but would love to have many more!!

Please consider donating an item!!  If you know someone that might own a business or would be willing to purchase something to give away for the fundraiser, please let me know as soon as possible!  (Denice at  Please keep checking back to find out exact dates and items to be given away!!


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