Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Mission Trip Info!

I now have pictures of what desperately needs to be done at Morning Light Home.  It was painted last year, but was not sealed and primed so it has what they call "Wall Cancer".   We will be sealing the walls and repainting them so it can look much more homey and inviting!

As you can see, something needs to be done!  Plus, we hope to get some curtains up too to dress it up a bit.

Also, we feel strongly that we want to minister to the birth moms while we are there (both current and past birth moms!).  We are planning on inviting them all to a "Spa Night" where we will spend an evening pampering them and showing them that they are truly special in God's eyes!  Society might tell them otherwise, but these precious women chose to give their babies life and not abort them!  Not one of them had an easy situation, but they dealt with the humiliation, the isolation from family and friends, and made the right decision.  We want to minister to their hearts while we are there!!  They are worth it!

And, like I said in the last post, we will also do a short English VBS for the church's youth, which should be a lot of fun!

So, if you are thinking that this is something you would like to be involved with, please email me (Denice at  If you know you couldn't make it, but still want to help, we will need donations to cover our supplies (paint, primer, fabric for curtains) and also donations of "spa" supplies (nail polish, lotions, etc).  And as always, your prayers covering this is very appreciated!!


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